10 Things You Can Do To Celebrate Black History Month in Your Classroom
If you’re looking for ways to celebrate Black History Month in your classroom, designing bulletin boards is a fantastic opportunity to engage students and educate them about important figures and events in African American history. Black history bulletin board ideas can vary in design and theme, creating an exciting and creative learning environment for students.
In this section, we will provide you with creative bulletin board ideas that you can use in your classroom or educational setting to celebrate Black History Month. Our ideas encompass a range of themes, from educating about significant figures, events, and achievements, to inspiring and uplifting students with messages of black excellence. These ideas will not only engage students but also serve as visual learning aids that promote learning.
Black History Month Bulletin Board Ideas for Preschool & Elementary
If you are looking for creative ways to introduce your students to Black History Month, bulletin boards are an excellent choice. These visual displays can educate and inspire young learners about important figures and events in African American history while keeping them engaged with hands-on activities and colorful designs. Here are some black history month bulletin board ideas that are sure to be a hit in your classroom and hallway:
1. Famous African Americans
Create a bulletin board showcasing famous African Americans from history, such as Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr., and Rosa Parks. Use pictures and short biographies to introduce young learners to these important figures and their contributions to society.
2. African American Inventors
Introduce your preschool students to the world of science and innovation by featuring African American inventors on your bulletin board. Include pictures and descriptions of inventions such as the traffic light (Garrett Morgan) and the super soaker (Lonnie Johnson).
3. Artistic Expression
Use your bulletin board to showcase the many ways in which African Americans have contributed to the arts. Include pictures of famous musicians, dancers, and visual artists such as Duke Ellington, Alvin Ailey, and Jean-Michel Basquiat.
4. Black History Month Alphabet
Create an alphabet-themed bulletin board that focuses on important people, events, and concepts from African American history. For example, A could stand for “abolitionist” while B could stand for “Black Lives Matter.”
Bulletin Board Ideas for Black History Month Door Decorations
During Black History Month, decorating classroom doors is a fun and creative way to engage students and visitors. With bulletin boards, you can create a festive and educational environment that celebrates black history, achievements, and notable figures. Here are a few ideas for creating impactful door decorations for Black History Month:
- Black History Hero Collage: Create a door display featuring black history heroes, past and present. Cut out pictures from magazines or print them out and arrange them in a collage format on your bulletin board. Include inspirational quotes or short bios on each figure to make your display educational.
- Timeline Display: Create a timeline of significant events in African American history for your door display. Use images, dates, and facts to show the progression of black history from slavery to the present-day. Your timeline can be as detailed or general as you like, just ensure it is informative and visually engaging.
Remember, creatively designed bulletin boards can be a great way to showcase the achievements and contributions of African Americans while educating students and visitors. Let your imagination run wild and create beautiful displays that spark curiosity and interest in black history.
Classroom Black History Month Bulletin Board Ideas
When creating bulletin boards for the classroom during Black History Month, it’s essential to focus on themes that engage and educate students. One idea is to highlight significant African American figures throughout history, such as civil rights leaders and inventors. Incorporate quotes and images to bring these figures to life and inspire your students.
Another idea is to showcase the contributions of African Americans in various fields, including literature, music, and science. Use imagery and text to draw connections between these individuals and their achievements, creating a visually engaging and informative display.
There are endless possibilities when designing a bulletin board for Black History Month in the classroom. The key is to make it engaging, informative, and inspiring for your students. With the right approach, you can create a meaningful and memorable experience for everyone.
Black History Month Athletes Bulletin Board
Highlighting significant athletes in black history is a fantastic way to inspire students and promote recognition of black excellence in sports.
Consider creating a bulletin board focused on the achievements of African American athletes who have made history. Some great options for inclusion are:

Athlete | Sport | Notable Achievements |
Jackie Robinson | Baseball | The first African American to play in Major League Baseball |
Simone Biles | Gymnastics | The most decorated American gymnast in history |
Michael Jordan | Basketball | Six-time NBA champion and widely considered the greatest basketball player of all time |
Florence “Flo-Jo” Griffith Joyner | Track and Field | The fast woman in history |
To take the bulletin board to the next level, consider adding QR codes that link to videos of highlights from the athletes’ careers or interviews with them discussing their experiences breaking barriers in their sports.

Bulletin Board Ideas for February Black History
Looking for fresh ideas to decorate your bulletin boards during Black History Month, look no further. Below are some bulletin board ideas that can be used throughout February to celebrate Black history.
Timeline of Black History
Create a timeline of significant events and individuals in Black history. Choose to focus on a particular time period, such as the Civil Rights Movement, or highlight the achievements of notable figures throughout history. Use pictures, quotes, and captions to make the timeline visually engaging and informative.
Black History Month Trivia
Create a bulletin board with trivia questions related to Black history. Include fun facts and challenging questions to educate and engage students. You can design the board in a game-style format with point values assigned to different questions or have students work collaboratively to test their knowledge.
Black History Month Biographies
Highlight significant African Americans in history by creating short biographical summaries for your bulletin board. Include pictures, important dates, and significant contributions to American society and culture. This board can serve as an opportunity to educate students about lesser-known individuals and their impact on history.
Valentine’s Day and Black History
Create a bulletin board that celebrates the Valentine’s Day within Black history. Often times, teachers don’t want to create two bulletin boards, so this is a great alternative to celebrating both Black History and Valentine’s Day.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Highlight the significant contribution of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to American education. Use black history bulletin board ideas to showcase images and information about notable HBCUs, their history, and their contribution to American society. This bulletin board is an excellent way to teach your students about the important role of HBCUs in providing higher education opportunities for African Americans. You can check out this resource for more information.
Black History Book Recommendations
Create a bulletin board that recommends books with black protagonists. This encourages your students to read these books and discuss them in class. Use these books as the foundation for classroom projects, activities, and more! Recommending books is an excellent way to inspire your students to read more about black characters outside of the classroom.
- “Stacey’s Extraordinary Words”
- “Parker Looks Up: An Extraordinary Moment”
- “Hidden Figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race”
Next, You can check out our list of 50 book to read during Black History month here.
Incorporating these black history bulletin board ideas into your classroom or educational setting can be a great way to celebrate and educate students about African American history. These ideas provide a creative and engaging approach to honoring the achievements and contributions of Black Americans throughout history. From highlighting significant athletes and events to providing educational content and inspiring messages, these bulletin boards can foster pride and appreciation for black history.
By incorporating these ideas, you can create an inclusive and inspiring environment that promotes learning and understanding for all students. So, go ahead and try out these creative black history month bulletin board ideas and make Black History Month an unforgettable and insightful experience for your students!
More Activities:

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