Some of the greatest books for entrepreneurs have sold millions of copies. These top books for entrepreneurs come highly recommended. Whether you are a female entrepreneur, future entrepreneur, or a teacherpreneur. These books are for you!
“One must always be careful of books and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us”. Change us for the better. There are millions of books on the shelves but only a few truly change one’s life.
As I began my journey of entrepreneurship, I started to dive into books. There is such a wealth of knowledge between the pages of books. You can scour the internet for clues, but if you truly want to change your life and begin this journey it starts with you.
You not being afraid to take THE BIG LEAP. The leap into entrepreneurship. It starts with a mind shift.
You are capable of fulfilling your wildest dreams. In order to achieve your wildest dreams you have to make changes from the things you are currently doing that have not taken you to where you want to go.
Start by writing your vision and making it plain. Vision is not valid until it is written down. Grab a journal (this one is my favorite) and start keeping tabs of your ideas, dreams, and aspirations. I began my journey into entrepreneurship officially on August 31, 2021. That’s the day I officially filed for my LLC. I wanted to start my journey “legit”. I searched how to do it in my state. Asked relatives that had successful businesses. Listened to podcasts and read books.
Let me tell you an example of the power of writing things down. The spring of 2021 I had my second baby 16 months after my first born…in a pandemic. We had recently moved from a Miami, FL to a small town in Washington state. We were living in a small 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment. With no air conditioning, no dish washer, no washing machine in the unit. We had to go to the next buildings basement to wash. To say the lease, we needed to move. I remember writing in my journal that by the time my son was 6 months old, we were going to need to move. There wasn’t enough room for a family of four. The second bedroom was used for my husbands closet, the babies room, and my office.
That summer, we received a phone call from housing saying that a house had become available. It was on the same street we were on, so we knew it wasn’t what we needed for our family. So we opted to stay in our apartment. She called back the next day to say another house had become available with more amenities. So now when my baby was 6 months we moved into a three bedroom home, with a dish washer, a washing machine connect (which we gladly went and purchased a new washer and dryer), garage, and backyard. I believe it was all because of the power of writing things down law of attraction. I desperately knew we needed to move for our family functioning sake.

Does writing things down make them happen?
Next, I started writing down my goals and aspirations for my business. The beautiful thing about entrepreneurship is that you can change the direction you’re going. Because it’s YOURS. I joined a membership academy to be around like minded people and make it my goal for the creator to know who I was. If you are not familiar with Erin Winters from Erin on Demand, I suggest you check her out. She was inspirational to me enough for me to join her ebrand club in November of 2021.
I still needed guidance in my journey and thats when I started to really devour books. Mostly in the audible form because sitting down to read in peace with two under two was nearly impossible. I listened to books as I walked three miles. This was uninterrupted time to listen to these awesome books! It was also a time I was getting exercise in. Here are a few of my favorites:
These following 7 books are some of the greatest books for entrepreneurs they can help you get to where you want to be.
7. Crushing It By Gary Vaynerchuk
5. The 5AM Club
2. How to Win Friends & Influence People
These seven books will help jump start your teacherpreneur journey. They will inspire you, motivate you, and move you to achieve your goals. Reading (or listening) is the first step, next you have to take action for the things you want in your life.
Set schedules, routines, and procedures to get things done. When you can, delegate things so that you have more time to do the things you want and need to do. Document your journey. The best way to document your journey is through journaling.
Let me know in the comments if you have read these books and if they have changed your life!

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