Women’s History Bright & Feminine
Looking for the best Activities for Women’s History Month? We have the perfect resources for Women’s History Month. When I began creating resources, I didn’t have any real direction. Then I started looking at my brand Teacher Noire through a more narrow view. I wasn’t seeing the diversity in classroom resources like I would like. So I set out on a mission to bring diversity to the classroom through my resources.
I started with an idea and worked with an artist to bring my vision to life. There were a plethora of women to choose from. But I started with the alphabet. I figured who doesn’t love an A-Z resource? I made a little handwritten list of the alphabet and started writing in names. Some who were popular, some lesser known, and few very difficult, such as to find a person whose name starts with certain letters such as X.
adding diversity
I wanted to include a variety of races, ethnicities, and religious beliefs. Those who are trailblazers and making a difference in our communities. Let’s start with our most popular Women’s History Alphabet Banner in Bright and Boho colors.

This banner can be used for a Women’s History Bulletin Board idea, hung across the hallway, or in your classroom. Another version is our Alphabet Posters. These too can be hung on bulletin boards. An extension of this resource is assigning students a letter of the person to do a report on and hanging their report below the person.
Check out these ABC’s of Women’s History coloring pennants. This Women’s History Month Alphabet coloring garland banner covers each letter A-Z of influential women change makers. These posters include influential women in history. Students will love to see their favorite historical and influential people of history in a positive light.

Another activity for Women’s History Month is our One Pager Activity. Teachers love this activity because it allows students to be creative. They get to use what they’ve learned and turn it into an artistic masterpiece

These resources are perfect activities for your studies of Women’s History Month!

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